
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Changing Lives

Through out my adult career I have always wanted to have a job where I could help change lives. Most of my career has been spent in the drafting world drawing pretty pictures of buildings that would soon be constructed. I never saw the end result or meeting those who would occupy the property. I wasn't loving my job. That all changed a few years ago. As my wife and I were beginning the process of buying our first home one of my best buddies (now my boss) helped us get into a home when we thought we would never have that opportunity. After buying our home I became fascinated with the idea of helping make dreams come true. Yes I think buying a home is a tool to create dreams and memories (topic for another blog post). Yes, being a Loan Officer has allowed me to becoming a dream creator. Let me explain;. 

My good friend let me pick his brain over the course of several months. I learned and experienced what he does on a daily basis and I wanted in. It lead to me taking the classes and schooling needed to pass a few national tests. After some time I now have my license to negotiate the terms of a home loan. My good friend, currently the owner of Beam Lending based out Roy, Utah has patiently taught me the ropes of an ever changing market. There is so much info out there that is false about buying and home and it is my career goal to help educate those looking to buy their first home or their dream home.

We have always heard that you should find something you love to do and then find a way to make money doing it. I have found something I love. Just recently after a 13 hour work day I came home as happy I as happy as I have ever come home from work. My wife was just as surprised as I. I can't get enough of searching and helping those in need or in want of home. It took my almost ten years of working to find. I love talking with people. I love hearing stories and getting to know borrowers. It hasn't been an easy road, I am not the best student or book worm. But I know how to work and I don't up very easy. 

Things fell into place. My friend was inspired. My wife and I were led down a path that has been well worth the wait. My life has been changed by each and everyone I come in contact with and I hope I can help change the lives of those I work with for many years to come.

If anyone needs help getting into a home or just has questions about the home buying process I would love to talk with you, my email is 

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